Tomorrow will see the launch of the first Neonyt Lab: at 2 p.m. the Union Hall in Frankfurt will open its doors. Fashion people, sustainability experts, content creators, consumers, you and I – everyone interested in sustainability in a fashion, lifestyle and beauty context – can expect an exciting programme from Friday to Sunday (24 to 26 June). On an exhibition and shopping area of 1,000 m2 more than 30 sustainable fashion, beauty and lifestyle brands will be showing their styles for the summer. Taking part will be local players such as Alexandra Svendsen, Frisch Beutel and Helena Harfst, plus brands from the whole of Germany, Austria, Italy and Switzerland, including Akjumii, Alicia Victoria, Amaran Creative, Angels Ambition, Belle Ikat, BenecosBio, Clothesfriends, Fairnica, Frijda Juni, Lana, Lanius, Make Somebody Happy, Martin Guthmann, Melina Bucher, Montreet, Natyoural, Nikin, Nina Rein, Oscalito, Refished Fair Fashion, Seads, The Bad Seeds Company, Viktoria Moser, Vretena, Widda and Wildling Shoes.
“We’re ready to go. And it’s the first time for everyone. It’s a great moment for us, since up to now Neonyt has been a trade event. Starting this summer, everyone will be able to discover for themselves our exciting shopping, information and inspiration formats in the new Neonyt Lab, covering every aspect of sustainability, fashion and lifestyle”, says Bettina Bär, Show Director Neonyt. “Have fun, join in, discover and experience something new. We aim to bring about changes in the world of fashion, jointly with the industry, jointly with you.” Content partners at the first event featuring the new D2C concept in Frankfurt am Main will be Engagement Global, with their #17Ziele campaign (17 goals), and Oeko-Tex.
Buy better – shop with awareness!
In the “Greenstyle the Store” area, curated by sustainability criteria of Greenstyle, you will be able to purchase sustainable fashion, shoes, accessories and beauty products directly. Whether it’s 3-in-1 coats by Akjumii, vegetably tanned leather bags and purses by Alexandra Svendsen, blouses and dresses inspired by Ukrainian handicrafts from Belle Ikat, certified natural and organic cosmetics by Benecos, close-to-nature outdoor fashion by Nikin, sustainable, plastic-free business clothes by Nina Rein, espadrilles, slip-ons and sneakers of ocean plastic by Seads, or comfortable glamour high-heels and flats by Viktoria Moser – in “Greenstyle the Store” there will be something for every occasion.
“The interest in sustainable fashion, and the desire on the part of consumers to change something, is enormous. We are absolutely happy and are looking forward to three full days featuring a fantastic mix of sustainable fashion brands for shopping and browsing. The time for change is now”, says Mirjam Smend, founder and CEO of Greenstyle.
The first Neonyt Lab has been launched together with cooperation partner Greenstyle. As early as May the exhibition space on the Neonyt Lab was fully booked.
Find out more about sustainable fashion
For three days the Fashionsustain Stage will be hosting a knowledge boost. Following the official opening by Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles & Textile Technologies at Messe Frankfurt, Kerry Bannigan (Fashion Impact Fund), Safia Minney (Fashion Declares) Henning Siedentopp (mela wear) and Juliane Ziegler (Global Organic Textiles Standard) will be kicking things off on the podium. The topic of their discussion will be “Fashion and the SDGs. How can the fashion industry help to reach the sustainable development goals?” Whether it is interviews with fair-fashion brands, workshops with certifiers such as Oeko-Tex and GOTS in the Knowledge Lounge, or talks with content creators and brands – all those interested can gain comprehensive information, join in discussions and take away new incentives.
There is a good reason why the Neonyt Lab motto is “New patterns.” If you want to change something, it’s best to work together. And the more you know, the better and more targeted can be your approach. Numerous suggestions about what each of us can do quite specifically to make a more sustainable wardrobe will also be presented by the NGO Engagement Global on its 17Ziele info cart, jointly with its supporting partner, Frankfurt Fashion Movement. And it’s all pretty impressive: on Frankfurt’s biggest “TU DU” wall.
For content creators: create your own sustainable style
Like a big curated wardrobe – that is Prepeek, the networking event for content creators. The idea: content creators receive direct and exclusive access to selected products by sustainable brands in the segments of fashion, beauty and lifestyle. Stylists will help to find the ideal outfit. The result: professionally shot looks, which can be shared directly with the community on social media. Along with the styling and shooting area, Prepeek offers sufficient space for exchange and networking. Whether at the bar with Prosecco Doc, in beeswax workshops with Gaia, or during talks on the conference stage – the three-day programme will provide additional sustainability incentives for the social-media community.
For the full Neonyt Lab programme go to:

This evening: Neonyt Fashion Show, with presenting partner Dr. Hauschka
This very evening the Neonyt Fashion Show will be demonstrating how trend-setting sustainable fashion really is. “Biosphere-Technosphere” – under this title some 60 brands will be featured – from established brands and upcoming avant garde brands, to designer pieces. Among those taking part will be Arys, Ayede, Christoph Baum, Damur, Fassbender, Florentine Leitner, Hell Hell Studio, Katharina Dubbick, Lanius, Laura Gerte, Maximilian Mogg, MCM x Selassie, Nat-2, Neubau, Timberland, Tiziano Guardini, Trakatan, Tuuli Tytti, Save the Duck and Vladimir Karaleev. The presenting partner will be the natural-cosmetics brand Dr. Hauschka. The Neonyt Fashion Show is curated by the well-known stylist Claudia Hofmann, and creative direction is by studio MM04.
Frankfurt Fashion Week – shows sustainable fashion, design and art
In the week from 20 to 26 June 2022 the city of Frankfurt will be wholly taken up with sustainable fashion, design and art. Over the whole of the city, under the umbrella brand of Frankfurt Fashion Week, numerous events will be taking place. Exhibitions, fashion shows, talks, presentations and open studios will be inviting all interested citizens to discover and experience both fashion and all subjects connected with sustainable design. Thus at the same time the umbrella brand of Frankfurt Fashion Week will offer a marketing platform for the regional fashion and design scene, and for the cultural and creative industries. Frankfurt Fashion Week is a multi-layered, easily accessible and cross-generational event organised by the City of Frankfurt am Main.
Concurrently with Frankfurt Fashion Week, Messe Frankfurt will be organising the Neonyt Lab from 24 to 26 June 2022 in the Union Hall, which is intended for consumers and fashion professionals who are interested in sustainability. And, from 21 to 24 June 2022, Messe Frankfurt will be bundling three global B2B events – Techtextil, Texprocess and Heimtextil Summer Special – which will spotlight the topics which are relevant to the international fashion and living sector.
The Neonyt Lab will be taking place from 24 to 26 June 2022 in the Union Hall in Frankfurt am Main.
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Background information on Messe Frankfurt
The Messe Frankfurt Group is the world’s largest trade fair, congress and event organiser with its own exhibition grounds. The Group employs approximately 2,300* people at its headquarters in Frankfurt am Main and in 30 subsidiaries around the world. In 2021, the company had to contend with the challenges posed by the pandemic for the second consecutive year. Annual sales will be approximately €140* million after having been as high as €736 million in 2019 before the pandemic. Even in difficult times caused by the coronavirus pandemic, we are globally networked with our industry sectors. We serve our customers’ business interests efficiently within the framework of our Fairs & Events, Locations and Services business fields. One of the Group’s key USPs is its closely knit global sales network, which extends throughout the world. Our comprehensive range of services – both onsite and online – ensures that customers worldwide enjoy consistently high quality and flexibility when planning, organising and running their events. We are expanding our digital expertise with new business models. The wide range of services includes renting exhibition grounds, trade fair construction and marketing, personnel and food services. With its headquarters in Frankfurt am Main, the company is owned by the City of Frankfurt (60 percent) and the State of Hesse (40 percent).
For more information, please visit our website at:
* Preliminary figures for 2021
- New patterns: in a neo-new way during the Neonyt Lab (pdf, 332 KB)